Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012

New Caesar Miniatures Sets and Offer

In a few weeks are the new Sets from Caesar Miniatures are available. Some one are sets, they are since a lot of months on the "to-do-list" from Caesar :-)

Sportsman 3 different kinds
Astronaut and Spacecraft
Mycenaean Chariots
Aztec Warriors
Chinese Ming Dynasty Troopers
Chinese Qing Dynasty Troopers
Pharaoh's Chariot with Biblical Peasant

WWII US Paratroopers

Webshop Toys & More 10% discount for Pre-Order

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Figurenserie -Wiederauflage als 3D-Druck

Nachdem meine eigenen Figurenserien, die u.a. unter dem Label "CW-Miniatures" liefen, nicht mehr in Zinn produziert werden können,...