My Name is Tom from Germany and welcome on my blog for Miniatures only in the size of 1/72. I talking here about new Miniatures and my wargaming-projects and my paintings. I have also a smal marketplace/shop here on the blog. You can contact me under "Kontakt / Contact" or: tom.pedall@gmail.com / COPYRIGHT on all pictures! No Copy allowed!
Montag, 31. Dezember 2012
Napoleonic Austrian Landwehr
Miniatures Painting: Napoleonic Austrian Landwehr: Here are a picture from painted Austrian Landwehr. I took miniatures from Hät Brunswick Avantgarde
Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012
New Miniatures for CW-Miniatures (Ancient) - Priests
CW-Miniatures: New Miniatures for CW-Miniatures (Ancient): On this picture you can take a first look on two new miniatures for the ancient-range of CW-Miniatures.They are two ancient jewish priests....
Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012
New Master for CW-Miniatures 1/72
CW-Miniatures: New Master for CW-Miniatures 1/72: I started for to make my own conversions for my own range of CW-Miniatures. At first Pictish Warriors / Barbarians. The right master is unf...
Montag, 17. Dezember 2012
Miniatures for the 1812-Campaign (Russia)
Here are a smal video of some from my painted miniatures for the french grande army.
Montag, 10. Dezember 2012
Sonderpreise bemalte Sets / painted sets
Miniatures Painting: Sonderpreise bemalte Sets / painted sets: Sonderpreise für bereits bemalte Sets Sonderpreisliste Special-Price-List for finished painted sets in 1/72
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012
Sculptors needed
CW-Miniatures: Sculptors needed: I need for a few projects 2013 a few sculptors for to do conversions (Miniatures) and modellers for siege-weapons. Ancient, Middle-Age, ...
French Voltigeur 1814 (1/72)
Miniatures Painting: French Voltigeur 1814 (1/72): First painting minature for a customer. The Miniature is from Art-Miniaturen. I saw after I took the pictures, that I forgot to paint the...
Donnerstag, 29. November 2012
Inspiration Modellbau in Mainz 2013 - Ausblick
Painting-Competition 1/72: Inspiration Modellbau in Mainz 2013 - Ausblick: Bereits jetzt kann angekündigt werden, dass weitere Händler in unserem 1/72- und 28 mm Bereich hinzukommen werden. Wir haben bereits zwei w...
Freitag, 23. November 2012
Close the T&M-Shop for the 31.12.2012
I will close my online shop to the 31.12.2012 - but not for all times.
From the 26.11.2012 I will offer a discount of 30-50%, therefor I will make a pricelist with available items.
For the convention in Mainz in September 2013: I make further the Organisation
, no change 
And I will take the time for to work on my own projects and mew masters for my own ranges.
Attention: I prohibit any copying of any of my miniatures
From the 26.11.2012 I will offer a discount of 30-50%, therefor I will make a pricelist with available items.
For the convention in Mainz in September 2013: I make further the Organisation
And I will take the time for to work on my own projects and mew masters for my own ranges.
Attention: I prohibit any copying of any of my miniatures
Samstag, 17. November 2012
Offer (special price) 17.11.-20.11.2012
I.) ACW C.S.A. Generals and Louisiana Tiger Zouaves together only 13 € + shipping // both sets are unpainted
II.) ACW C.S.A. Generals painted 15 € + shipping
III.) Please take a look into the Marketplace
If you want to order: miniatures1-72@web.de
II.) ACW C.S.A. Generals painted 15 € + shipping
III.) Please take a look into the Marketplace
If you want to order: miniatures1-72@web.de
Mittwoch, 14. November 2012
CW-Miniatures: ACW C.S.A. Generals painted :-)
CW-Miniatures: ACW C.S.A. Generals painted :-): Here are now my painted C.S.A. Generals, painted. They are in 1/72 and from my own range.
I have also another ACW-Set under my label: Louisiana Tiger Zouaves
Dienstag, 13. November 2012
WiP - ACW C.S.A. Generals painting
CW-Miniatures: WiP - ACW C.S.A. Generals painting: Here are the ACW C.S.A. Generals from my own range in 1/72 on my painting-station.
Donnerstag, 8. November 2012
Bemalservice gesucht? / You need a painting service?
Miniatures Painting: Bemalservice gesucht?: Hab wieder ein wenig mehr Kapazitäten frei, die vorerst letzten Aufträge zum Bemalen sind zum Bepinseln vorbereitet. Wer Interesse hat, da...
Mittwoch, 7. November 2012
In Production... two new sets from cw-miniatures
Now are finally in production:
ACW C.S.A. General'sand Mexican War, Belgian Legion
pre-order: miniatures1-72@web.de
ACW C.S.A. General's
pre-order: miniatures1-72@web.de
Dienstag, 6. November 2012
Little Small-Diorames to sell
I make small Diorames 14,5 x 7 cm together with 10 paintend miniatures, price: 25 €
You can say which kind of diorama and which miniatures (plastic or metal-miniatures from my ranges)
Das Sortiment wurde erweitert; es können nun Kleindioramen in der Größe 14,5 x 7 cm mit 10 handbemalten Miniaturen nach Ihren Wünschen gebaut werden. Plastikminiaturen oder Metallminiaturen (aus meinen Serien). Preis: 25 €
You can say which kind of diorama and which miniatures (plastic or metal-miniatures from my ranges)
Das Sortiment wurde erweitert; es können nun Kleindioramen in der Größe 14,5 x 7 cm mit 10 handbemalten Miniaturen nach Ihren Wünschen gebaut werden. Plastikminiaturen oder Metallminiaturen (aus meinen Serien). Preis: 25 €
Montag, 29. Oktober 2012
CW-Miniatures: New Sets Nov. 2012
CW-Miniatures: New Sets Nov. 2012: Both Sets (Scale 1/72) from Mexican War: Belgian Legion ACW: Confederate Generals in few days available :-)
Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012
Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012
Mainz 2012 - Video with a very lot of pictures
Painting-Competition 1/72: Mainz 2012 - Video with a very lot of pictures: Youtube-Video from only the Miniatures-Area: Hope you enjoy :-) For all friends of 1/72 Miniatures and Wargaming 15+28 mm: I would l...
Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012
New Forum for Miniatures 1/72
I have start today my own forum for to talk about Miniatures in 1/72.... a smal but I think fine forum...
LINK Forum Painting Miniatures
LINK Forum Painting Miniatures
Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012
Miniatures Painting: Suchen Sie nach einem Bemalservice?
Miniatures Painting: Suchen Sie nach einem Bemalservice?:
Oktober-Special für Bemalung 1/72 Figuren
1,10 EUR / Fußfigur bzw. 2,00 EUR Reiter,
wenn die Figuren gestellt werden.
Oktober-Special für Bemalung 1/72 Figuren
1,10 EUR / Fußfigur bzw. 2,00 EUR Reiter,
wenn die Figuren gestellt werden.
Mittwoch, 26. September 2012
Dienstag, 25. September 2012
Area "Friends of 1/72 Miniatures" in Mainz
I started today for our Area of "Friends of 1/72 Miniatures" on the Inspiration Modellbau in Mainz the own Facebook-Page. If you have also a Facebook-Account, so you can take a look.
Montag, 24. September 2012
Posts (Atom)
2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten
Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...
Nachdem meine eigenen Figurenserien, die u.a. unter dem Label "CW-Miniatures" liefen, nicht mehr in Zinn produziert werden können,...