Freitag, 29. November 2013

Freitag, 8. November 2013

Offer 40% Discount....

We have an offer for 40% Discount over the Miniatures in Metal. Also we work now on the page for the show-cases. Some boxes you can see over these link.

Paiting-Service-Prices 10% Discount.

Freitag, 27. September 2013

Marketplace / Marktplatz

I sell painted miniatures in small Boxes like these:

You can find the first sets (more following every week) here:

Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

Wargaming with 1/72 Miniatures

Pictures from a Tabletop with 1/72 Miniatures. It was not a historical scenario, because napoleonic and Tex/Mex-Armies are on the table. 

Hope you enjoy!

2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...