My Name is Tom from Germany and welcome on my blog for Miniatures only in the size of 1/72. I talking here about new Miniatures and my wargaming-projects and my paintings. I have also a smal marketplace/shop here on the blog. You can contact me under "Kontakt / Contact" or: tom.pedall@gmail.com / COPYRIGHT on all pictures! No Copy allowed!
Donnerstag, 28. August 2014
Sonntag, 24. August 2014
Samstag, 23. August 2014
Freitag, 22. August 2014
Dienstag, 5. August 2014
Sonntag, 3. August 2014
Samstag, 2. August 2014
Bildrechte / Rights Pictures
Ich musste heute Abend feststellen, dass mindestens ein Bild mit bemalten Figuren in einer EBAY-Auktion aufgetaucht ist, welches eindeutig von meinem Blog kopiert wurde und von Dritten widerrechtlich benutzt wurde.
Solch eine Art und Weise halte ich für überaus dreist und könnte auch zu einer kostenpflichtigen Abmahnung durch einen Anwalt führen.
Ich untersage hiermit ausdrücklich die Verwendung von Bildmaterial aus meinem Blog.
This evening I found on EBAY a picture with painted figures, which was copied illegally from my blog and used by third.
Such a way I think is very bad and could take a lawyer.
I forbid expressly the use from images from my blog.
Solch eine Art und Weise halte ich für überaus dreist und könnte auch zu einer kostenpflichtigen Abmahnung durch einen Anwalt führen.
Ich untersage hiermit ausdrücklich die Verwendung von Bildmaterial aus meinem Blog.
This evening I found on EBAY a picture with painted figures, which was copied illegally from my blog and used by third.
Such a way I think is very bad and could take a lawyer.
I forbid expressly the use from images from my blog.
Freitag, 1. August 2014
Sprues for sale / Gußäste zu verkaufen
Versandkosten / Shipping-Costs
Germany 1,50 € - 6,00 € je nach Größe, Menge und Gewicht
Europe/World 3,50 € - 10,00 € different size and quantity
Bestellung / Order : over / über Kontaktformular
Each Sprue / je Gußast = 3,00 €
PF01 Samurai
PF02 Persians
PF04 Roman Siege Troops
PF05 German Commanders
PF10 Oscan Infantry
PF11 Bosnian Infantry
PF14 Wellingtons Staff
PF17 The last Defenders of Berlin
PF18 Macedonians
PF19 French Infantry for Hougoument
PF20 British Infantry for Hougoumont
8001 Napoleonic French Mamelukes
8002 Napoleonic Prussian Dragoons
8003 Napoleonic British Rocket Troops
8004 American Civil War Zouaves
8005 Napoleonic Prussian Uhlans
8006 Napoleonic Russian Cossacks
8007 Napoleonic Prussian Artillery
8008 Napoleonic Brunswick Avante Garde
8009 Napoleonic French Dragoons
8010 Napoleonic Russian Artillery
8011 Napoleonic French Lancers
8012 Napoleonic Russian Dragoons
8013 Napoleonic Horse Grenadiers
8014 Napoleonic King's German Legion Light Dragoons
8015 Napoleonic Austrian Cuirassiers
8016 Napoleonic Russian Cuirassiers
8017 Republican Roman Princeps and Triari
8018 Republican Roman Hastati and Velites
8019 Hannibal's Spanish Infantry (also fought on Roman side)
8020 Hannibal's African Infantry
8021 Republican Roman Cavalry
8022 Punic War Celtic Cavalry
8023 Carthaginian War Elephants
8024 Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry (also Republican and Imperial Roman ally)
8025 Waterloo Dutch Infantry
8026 Napoleonic Brunswick Leib Battalion
8027 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry
8028 Napoleonic Bavarian Infantry
8029 Napoleonic French Chasseurs a Cheval
8030 Napoleonic Bavarian Cavalry
8031 Napoleonic Austrian Chevauxleger
8032 Waterloo Dutch/Belgian Light Cavalry
8033 Napoleonic British Dragoons
8034 Napoleonic Young Guard
8035 Imperial Roman Catapults
8036 Napoleonic British Light Infantry
8037 Napoleonic Austrian Artillery
8038 Napoleonic Bavarian Artillery
8039 Napoleonic Horse Artillery of the Line
8040 Punic War Italian Ally Infantry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8041 Napoleonic Fusiliers of the Line
8042 Napoleonic French Light Infantry
8043 Macedonian Phalangites
8044 Alexander's Light Infantry (Alexander the Great)
8045 Greek Mercenary Hoplites (fought on both Alexander and Darius' sides)
8046 Alexander's Thracians (Alexander the Great)
8047 Alexander's Macedonian Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8048 Alexander's Thessalian Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8049 Alexander's Allied Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8050 Persian Heavy Cavalry (Darius)
8051 Republican Roman Command
8052 Napoleonic Prussian Reserve Infantry
8053 Napoleonic Prussian Volunteer Jager
8054 Punic War Italian Ally Cavalry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8055 Punic War Spanish Cavalry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8056 Carthaginian Command & Cavalry
8057 Persian Light Infantry (Darius)
8058 Hannibal's Carthaginian Allies
8059 Persian Heavy Infantry (Darius)
8060 WWI Austrian Infantry
8061 WWI Russian Infantry
8062 Napoleonic 1805 French Line Infantry
8063 Napoleonic 1805 French Light Infantry
8064 Imperial Roman Extra Heavy Legionaries
8065 Flavian era Roman auxiliaries
8066 Roman Auxiliary Cavalry
8067 Roman Praetorian Cavalry
8068 Ancient German Warriors
8069 Dacians
8070 WWI Ottoman Inf
8071 WWI ANZAC Inf
8072 Napoleonic 1805 Russian Grenadiers/Guards
8073 Napoleonic 1805 Russian Light Infantry
8074 Iperial Roman auxiliaries
8075 Imperial Roman command
8076 Persian Medium Cavalry (Darius)
8077 Persian Light Cavalry (Darius)
8078 Sea Peoples (Biblicals)
8079 Nubians (Biblicals)
8080 WWI Russian Heavy Weapons
8081 WWI Austrian Heavy Weapons
8082 Flavian era Roman legionaries
8083 Napoleonic 1806 Prussian Musketeers
8084 Napoleonic 1806 Prussian Fusiliers
8085 Gothic Cavalry (Late Roman)
8086 Late Roman Cataphracts
8087 Late Roman Heavy Infantry
8089 Gallic Warband
8091 Napoleonic Swedish Infantry
8092 Assyrian Infantry
8093 Wurttembergers
8094 WWI Ottoman Artillery and Machine Guns
8095 Napoleonic 1808-1812 French Infantry
8096 Napoleonic Belgian Infantry
8096 Napoleonic Netherlands Militia
8097 Napoleonic Nassau Grenadiers
8097 Napoleonic Lutzow Freikorps
8098 Napoleonic British Sailors and Marines
8099 Napoleonic Russian Militia
8100 Late Roman Light/Medium Infantry
8101 Nap. French Ammunition Caisson
8102 Nap. French Wurst Wagon
8103 Nap. French Light Ambulance
8104 Nap. French Heavy Ambulance
8105 Nap. French 6 Horse Limber Team
8106 Nap. French Baggage Wagon
8107 Nap. French Field Forge
8108 Nap. French Pontoon
8109 WWI German Artillery
8110 WWI German Heavy Weapons
8111 WWI Canadian Infantry
8112 WWI US Infantry
8113 FT-17 Renault with 37mm cannon
8114 FT-17 Renault with Hotchkiss mg
8115 WWII Polish Infantry
8116 Nap. Spanish Guerillas
8117 Achaemenid Persian Army (composed of figures from previously released boxes)
8118 WWII Romanian Army
8119 WWII German Bicyclists
8120 WWII German Mounted Troops
8121 Assyrian Allied/Auxiliary Infantry
8122 WWI Serbian Infantry
8123 WWI German Colonial Troops
8124 Assyrian Chariot
8125 Assyrian Cavalry
8126 WWII German Motorcycle and Sidecar
8127 WWII German Motorcycles
8129 Theban Army
8130 Sumerian Chariot
8131 Indian Cavalry
8132 Sumerian Infantry
8133 Gothic Army
8135 1806 Prussian Grenadiers
8136 1806 Prussian Elites
8137 Late Roman Missile Troops
8138 Celtic Command
8139 Celtic Chariot
8140 Celtic Chariot with warrior Queen
8141 Macedonian Elephant
8142 Indian Elephant
8143 Indian Chariot
8144 Parthian Light Cavalry
8145 Parthian Cataphracts
8146 1805 French in greatcoats
8147 Waterloo Nassau Line Infantry
8148 WWI French Infantry (with kepi)
8149 WWII German Pak36 37mm AT gun
8150 WWII German Pak40 75mm AT gun
8151 Republican Roman Army
8152 Carthaginian Army
8153 Australian Light Horse
8154 Indian Infantry
8156 German PaK 36(r) ATG
8158 WWI US Artillery (75mm)
8161 WWI late French Arty (75mm)
8163 WW2 German 75mm IG18 inf gun
8166 French Line Grenadiers 1808-1812
8167 French Middle Guard
8168 El Cid Andalusian Infantry
8169 Napoleonic Bavarian Fusiliers
8170 French Guard Chasseurs
8171 1805 French Grenadier/Voltigeurs
8173 76.2mm Putilov m/02
8174 Brunswick Cavalry
8175 Wurttemberg Cavalry
8176 El Cid Spanish Infantry
8177 WWI British Heavy Weapons
8178 Swedish Cavalry
8179 Gatling Gun and Crew
8180 Gardner Gun and Crew
8181 17th British Lancers
8182 Natal Native Horse
8183 Late Roman Medium Cav
8184 Greek Catapult
8185 Macedonian Hyspapist
8186 British Infantry Peninsular War
8187 1806 Saxon Infantry
8188 Late Roman Cavalry
8189 El Cid Almoravid Infantry
8190 WWI ANZAC Heavy Weapons
8191 Zulu Warriors
8192 Native Natal Contingent
8193 Egyptian Camelry
8194 British Camel Corps
8195 1806 Prussian Hussars
8196 1806 Prussian Dragoons
8197 1808-1812 Prussian Hussars
8198 Napoleonic Austrian Grenadiers
8199 WWI German Infantry 1914
8200 WWI German Jaeger 1914
8201 El Cid Spanish Light Cavalry
8202 Colonial War Highlanders
8203 Colonial War Indian Infantry
8204 Austrian Grenzer
8205 Sassanid Infantry
8206 Frontier Light Horse
8208 Mahdist Camelry
8209 British Mounted Infantry
8210 British Colonial Artillery
8212 Carthaginian Veteran Spearmen
8213 El Cid Spanish Heavy Cavalry
8214 El Cid Moorish Light Cavalry
8215 El Cid Moorish Heavy Cavalry
8218 1808-12 French Light Inf Voltigeurs
8219 1808-12 French Light Inf Chasseurs
8220 1808-12 French Light Inf Carabiniers
8225 Austrian Wagon
8226 Austrian Cannon and Limber
8227 WW2 British Machine Guns
8228 WW2 British Mortars
8229 1805 French Artillery
8230 1806 Prussian Artillery
8231 Swedish Artillery
8232 Wurttemberg Artillery
8233 Austrian Landwehr
8235 WWI Highlanders
8236 WWI Indian Infantry
8237 Zulu War British Infantry
8242 WWI Italian 75mm Déport Gun
8243 WWI British QF 4.5 Howitzer
8244 WWI AH 75mm Skoda Mountain Gun
8245 WWI AH 100mm M.14
8246 El Cid Almoravid Light Cavalry
8247 El Cid Almoravid Heavy Cavalry
8248 El Cid Spanish Command
8249 El Cid Moorish Command
8250 Taaishi Camelry
8251 French Light Inf Chass Action
8252 French Light Inf Command
8253 Prussian Infantry Marching
8254 Prussian Infantry Action
8255 Prussian Infantry Command
8256 WWI British Artillery Crew
8257 WWI Russian Artillery Crew
8258 WWI Austrian Artillery Crew
8259 WWI Italian Artillery Crew
8260 WWI German Field Wagon
8261 WW2 German Field Wagon
8262 WW2 German Tank Riders
8263 WW2 Russian Tank Riders
8264 WW2 British Tank Riders
8265 WW2 American Tank Riders
Germany 1,50 € - 6,00 € je nach Größe, Menge und Gewicht
Europe/World 3,50 € - 10,00 € different size and quantity
Bestellung / Order : over / über Kontaktformular
Each Sprue / je Gußast = 3,00 €
PF01 Samurai
PF02 Persians
PF04 Roman Siege Troops
PF05 German Commanders
PF10 Oscan Infantry
PF11 Bosnian Infantry
PF14 Wellingtons Staff
PF17 The last Defenders of Berlin
PF18 Macedonians
PF19 French Infantry for Hougoument
PF20 British Infantry for Hougoumont
8001 Napoleonic French Mamelukes
8002 Napoleonic Prussian Dragoons
8003 Napoleonic British Rocket Troops
8004 American Civil War Zouaves
8005 Napoleonic Prussian Uhlans
8006 Napoleonic Russian Cossacks
8007 Napoleonic Prussian Artillery
8008 Napoleonic Brunswick Avante Garde
8009 Napoleonic French Dragoons
8010 Napoleonic Russian Artillery
8011 Napoleonic French Lancers
8012 Napoleonic Russian Dragoons
8013 Napoleonic Horse Grenadiers
8014 Napoleonic King's German Legion Light Dragoons
8015 Napoleonic Austrian Cuirassiers
8016 Napoleonic Russian Cuirassiers
8017 Republican Roman Princeps and Triari
8018 Republican Roman Hastati and Velites
8019 Hannibal's Spanish Infantry (also fought on Roman side)
8020 Hannibal's African Infantry
8021 Republican Roman Cavalry
8022 Punic War Celtic Cavalry
8023 Carthaginian War Elephants
8024 Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry (also Republican and Imperial Roman ally)
8025 Waterloo Dutch Infantry
8026 Napoleonic Brunswick Leib Battalion
8027 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry
8028 Napoleonic Bavarian Infantry
8029 Napoleonic French Chasseurs a Cheval
8030 Napoleonic Bavarian Cavalry
8031 Napoleonic Austrian Chevauxleger
8032 Waterloo Dutch/Belgian Light Cavalry
8033 Napoleonic British Dragoons
8034 Napoleonic Young Guard
8035 Imperial Roman Catapults
8036 Napoleonic British Light Infantry
8037 Napoleonic Austrian Artillery
8038 Napoleonic Bavarian Artillery
8039 Napoleonic Horse Artillery of the Line
8040 Punic War Italian Ally Infantry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8041 Napoleonic Fusiliers of the Line
8042 Napoleonic French Light Infantry
8043 Macedonian Phalangites
8044 Alexander's Light Infantry (Alexander the Great)
8045 Greek Mercenary Hoplites (fought on both Alexander and Darius' sides)
8046 Alexander's Thracians (Alexander the Great)
8047 Alexander's Macedonian Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8048 Alexander's Thessalian Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8049 Alexander's Allied Cavalry (Alexander the Great)
8050 Persian Heavy Cavalry (Darius)
8051 Republican Roman Command
8052 Napoleonic Prussian Reserve Infantry
8053 Napoleonic Prussian Volunteer Jager
8054 Punic War Italian Ally Cavalry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8055 Punic War Spanish Cavalry (fought on both Republican Roman and Hannibal's sides)
8056 Carthaginian Command & Cavalry
8057 Persian Light Infantry (Darius)
8058 Hannibal's Carthaginian Allies
8059 Persian Heavy Infantry (Darius)
8060 WWI Austrian Infantry
8061 WWI Russian Infantry
8062 Napoleonic 1805 French Line Infantry
8063 Napoleonic 1805 French Light Infantry
8064 Imperial Roman Extra Heavy Legionaries
8065 Flavian era Roman auxiliaries
8066 Roman Auxiliary Cavalry
8067 Roman Praetorian Cavalry
8068 Ancient German Warriors
8069 Dacians
8070 WWI Ottoman Inf
8071 WWI ANZAC Inf
8072 Napoleonic 1805 Russian Grenadiers/Guards
8073 Napoleonic 1805 Russian Light Infantry
8074 Iperial Roman auxiliaries
8075 Imperial Roman command
8076 Persian Medium Cavalry (Darius)
8077 Persian Light Cavalry (Darius)
8078 Sea Peoples (Biblicals)
8079 Nubians (Biblicals)
8080 WWI Russian Heavy Weapons
8081 WWI Austrian Heavy Weapons
8082 Flavian era Roman legionaries
8083 Napoleonic 1806 Prussian Musketeers
8084 Napoleonic 1806 Prussian Fusiliers
8085 Gothic Cavalry (Late Roman)
8086 Late Roman Cataphracts
8087 Late Roman Heavy Infantry
8089 Gallic Warband
8091 Napoleonic Swedish Infantry
8092 Assyrian Infantry
8093 Wurttembergers
8094 WWI Ottoman Artillery and Machine Guns
8095 Napoleonic 1808-1812 French Infantry
8096 Napoleonic Belgian Infantry
8096 Napoleonic Netherlands Militia
8097 Napoleonic Nassau Grenadiers
8097 Napoleonic Lutzow Freikorps
8098 Napoleonic British Sailors and Marines
8099 Napoleonic Russian Militia
8100 Late Roman Light/Medium Infantry
8101 Nap. French Ammunition Caisson
8102 Nap. French Wurst Wagon
8103 Nap. French Light Ambulance
8104 Nap. French Heavy Ambulance
8105 Nap. French 6 Horse Limber Team
8106 Nap. French Baggage Wagon
8107 Nap. French Field Forge
8108 Nap. French Pontoon
8109 WWI German Artillery
8110 WWI German Heavy Weapons
8111 WWI Canadian Infantry
8112 WWI US Infantry
8113 FT-17 Renault with 37mm cannon
8114 FT-17 Renault with Hotchkiss mg
8115 WWII Polish Infantry
8116 Nap. Spanish Guerillas
8117 Achaemenid Persian Army (composed of figures from previously released boxes)
8118 WWII Romanian Army
8119 WWII German Bicyclists
8120 WWII German Mounted Troops
8121 Assyrian Allied/Auxiliary Infantry
8122 WWI Serbian Infantry
8123 WWI German Colonial Troops
8124 Assyrian Chariot
8125 Assyrian Cavalry
8126 WWII German Motorcycle and Sidecar
8127 WWII German Motorcycles
8129 Theban Army
8130 Sumerian Chariot
8131 Indian Cavalry
8132 Sumerian Infantry
8133 Gothic Army
8135 1806 Prussian Grenadiers
8136 1806 Prussian Elites
8137 Late Roman Missile Troops
8138 Celtic Command
8139 Celtic Chariot
8140 Celtic Chariot with warrior Queen
8141 Macedonian Elephant
8142 Indian Elephant
8143 Indian Chariot
8144 Parthian Light Cavalry
8145 Parthian Cataphracts
8146 1805 French in greatcoats
8147 Waterloo Nassau Line Infantry
8148 WWI French Infantry (with kepi)
8149 WWII German Pak36 37mm AT gun
8150 WWII German Pak40 75mm AT gun
8151 Republican Roman Army
8152 Carthaginian Army
8153 Australian Light Horse
8154 Indian Infantry
8156 German PaK 36(r) ATG
8158 WWI US Artillery (75mm)
8161 WWI late French Arty (75mm)
8163 WW2 German 75mm IG18 inf gun
8166 French Line Grenadiers 1808-1812
8167 French Middle Guard
8168 El Cid Andalusian Infantry
8169 Napoleonic Bavarian Fusiliers
8170 French Guard Chasseurs
8171 1805 French Grenadier/Voltigeurs
8173 76.2mm Putilov m/02
8174 Brunswick Cavalry
8175 Wurttemberg Cavalry
8176 El Cid Spanish Infantry
8177 WWI British Heavy Weapons
8178 Swedish Cavalry
8179 Gatling Gun and Crew
8180 Gardner Gun and Crew
8181 17th British Lancers
8182 Natal Native Horse
8183 Late Roman Medium Cav
8184 Greek Catapult
8185 Macedonian Hyspapist
8186 British Infantry Peninsular War
8187 1806 Saxon Infantry
8188 Late Roman Cavalry
8189 El Cid Almoravid Infantry
8190 WWI ANZAC Heavy Weapons
8191 Zulu Warriors
8192 Native Natal Contingent
8193 Egyptian Camelry
8194 British Camel Corps
8195 1806 Prussian Hussars
8196 1806 Prussian Dragoons
8197 1808-1812 Prussian Hussars
8198 Napoleonic Austrian Grenadiers
8199 WWI German Infantry 1914
8200 WWI German Jaeger 1914
8201 El Cid Spanish Light Cavalry
8202 Colonial War Highlanders
8203 Colonial War Indian Infantry
8204 Austrian Grenzer
8205 Sassanid Infantry
8206 Frontier Light Horse
8208 Mahdist Camelry
8209 British Mounted Infantry
8210 British Colonial Artillery
8212 Carthaginian Veteran Spearmen
8213 El Cid Spanish Heavy Cavalry
8214 El Cid Moorish Light Cavalry
8215 El Cid Moorish Heavy Cavalry
8218 1808-12 French Light Inf Voltigeurs
8219 1808-12 French Light Inf Chasseurs
8220 1808-12 French Light Inf Carabiniers
8225 Austrian Wagon
8226 Austrian Cannon and Limber
8227 WW2 British Machine Guns
8228 WW2 British Mortars
8229 1805 French Artillery
8230 1806 Prussian Artillery
8231 Swedish Artillery
8232 Wurttemberg Artillery
8233 Austrian Landwehr
8235 WWI Highlanders
8236 WWI Indian Infantry
8237 Zulu War British Infantry
8242 WWI Italian 75mm Déport Gun
8243 WWI British QF 4.5 Howitzer
8244 WWI AH 75mm Skoda Mountain Gun
8245 WWI AH 100mm M.14
8246 El Cid Almoravid Light Cavalry
8247 El Cid Almoravid Heavy Cavalry
8248 El Cid Spanish Command
8249 El Cid Moorish Command
8250 Taaishi Camelry
8251 French Light Inf Chass Action
8252 French Light Inf Command
8253 Prussian Infantry Marching
8254 Prussian Infantry Action
8255 Prussian Infantry Command
8256 WWI British Artillery Crew
8257 WWI Russian Artillery Crew
8258 WWI Austrian Artillery Crew
8259 WWI Italian Artillery Crew
8260 WWI German Field Wagon
8261 WW2 German Field Wagon
8262 WW2 German Tank Riders
8263 WW2 Russian Tank Riders
8264 WW2 British Tank Riders
8265 WW2 American Tank Riders
Posts (Atom)
2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten
Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...
Nachdem meine eigenen Figurenserien, die u.a. unter dem Label "CW-Miniatures" liefen, nicht mehr in Zinn produziert werden können,...