Samstag, 10. September 2016

Ausverkauf Gussäste / Selling Out Sprues 1/72

Liste 1/72 Figuren Gussäste Plastikminiaturen
von jedem Set ist min. ein Guassast vorhanden

Portokosten 2 € Warensendung und ab 10 Gussästen Versand per Hermes

Vorkasse Paypal oder Überweisung

HÄT - 1 € / 1,50 € je Gußast

8001 Nap. Mamelucken - (1,50 €)
8002 Nap. Preuss. Dragoons - (1,50 €)
8004 ACW Zouaven
8006 Nap. Russian Cossacks - (1,50 €)
8012 Nap. Russische Dragoner - (1,50 €)
8018 Rep. Römer - Hastaten und Veliten
8020 Carthagian African Infantry
8024 Numidische Reiter
8025 Waterloo Dutch Infantry
8026 Nap. Braunschweiger Leib-Bat.
8029 Fran. Jäger zu Pferd - (1,50 €)
8037 Nap. Österr. Artillery
8041 Nap. French Line Füsiliere
8043 Makedonische Phalanx
8045 Griech. Hopliten
8046 Thraker
8047 Alex. Macedonian Cavalry - (1,50 €)
8048 Alexanders Thessalian Cavlary - (1,50 €)
8055 Span. Cavalry - (1,50 €)
8059 Persian Heavy Infantry
8062 1805 Nap. Line Füsiliere
8063 1805 Frenh Light Inf.
8066 Imperial Roman Aux. Cavalry
8070 WWI Türkische Infantry
8077 Persian Light Infantry
8087 Late Roman Heavy Infantry
8089 Gallic Warrior
8123 WW1 Deutsche Kolinial Schutztruppe
8131 Indian Cavalry - (1,50 €)
8140 Gallic Chariot with Warrior Queen - (1,50 €)
8141 Makedonian Elefant - (1,50 €)
8142 Indian Elefant - (1,50 €)
8143 Indian Chariot - (1,50 €)
8157 WW2 Polish Artillery Crew
8160 WW2 Romanian Artillery Crew
8166 Nap. French Line Grenadiers
8170 Nap. Franz. Garde-Jäger
8175 Nap. Württemberg Cavalry - (1,50 €)
8177 WWI British Heavy Weapons
8179 Gatling Gun
8180 Gardner Gun
8182 Natal Native Horse - (1,50 €)
8184 Greek Catapult
8192 Native Natal Contigent
8198 Austrian Grenadiers
8199 WWI German Jäger
8203 Colinal Wars Indian Inf.
8205 Sassanid Levy Infantry
8209 Zulu Wars Britische Kavallerie - (1,50 €)
8227 WW" British Mortars
8228 WW2 British MAchine Guns
8230 1806 Prussian Artillery
8231 Nap. Swedish Artillery
8233 Nap. Austrian Landwehr
8235 WWI Highlanders
8250 Taaishi Camerly - (1,50 €)
8252 French Light Inf. Chasseurs Command
8255 Nap. Preuss. Infantry Command
8268 Askari
8269 Ruga-Ruga
8270 Schutztruppe
8274 WWI Turkish Cavalry - (1,50 €)
8275 WWI Begligan Carabinier Radfahrer - (1,50 €)
8276 WWI German Jäger Radfahrer - (1,50 €)
8277 WW2 German Radfahrer - (1,50 €)
8278 WW2 Japanische Radfahrer - (1,50 €)
8280 7yw Prussian Marching
8289 Bengal Lancers - (1,50 €)
8292 WWI British Infantry Early
8293 WWI British Infantry Tropical
8300 Nap. Spanish Light Infantry

Italeri - 1,50 € je Gußast

6136 Nap. Scots Infantry

Linear-B - 1 € je Guassast

002 Roman Port
005 Roman Hospital
006 Spartakus Uprising Defeat
007 Roman Legion on the march
072 Roman Market
075 Roman Port 2
076 Roman Slave MArket
078 Mithirdatis Infantry - (1,50 €)

Odemars - 1,50 € je Gußast

CF01 Spanish Infantry
CF02 Portugese Infantry
CF03 French Grenadiers
CREA04 Haunebu
PF01 Samurais
PF02 Persian
PF05 German Commanders
PF06 Roman Infantry
PF07 Defenders of Berlin
PF10 Oscan Infantry
PF11 Bosnian Infantry
PF12 Legion of Nightmare
PF13 Iberian Infantry
PF17 The last Defenders of Berlin
PF18 Makedonen
PF19 French Infantry for Hougoumont
PF20 British Infantry for Hougoumont
YK05 Projekt RFZ
YK11 Franz Legion Bir Hakeim
YK13 Wellington Staff

Orion - 1 € je Gußast

42 Soviet Tankmen and Crew

RedBox - 1 € je Guassast

05 Japanese Warrior Monks
06 Ashigaru
07 Ashigaru Spearman
08 Ashigaru Command
09 Ikko-Ikki
12 Korean Infantry
13 Korean Guerillas
15 Chinese Infantry
16 Boxer Rebellion - US Marines
17 Boxer Rebellion - US Infantry
18 Boxer Rebellion - Russian Infantry
19 Boxer Rebellion - Russian Sailors
21 Boxer Rebellion - Sikhs
22 Boxer Rebellion - British Royal Marines
23 Boxer Rebellion - German Sea Battalion
24 Boxer Rebellion - German East Asia Brigade
25 Boxer Rebellion - French Sailors
26 Boxer Rebellion - French Marines
27 Boxer Rebellion - French Infantry
28 Boxer Rebellion - Civilian Volunteers
29 Boxer Rebellion - Italian Sailors
30 Boxer Rebellion - Italian Bersaglieri
31 Boxer Rebellion - Austrian Sailors
32 Boxer Rebellion - Chinese Regiment
33 Boxer Rebellion - British Naval Brigade
34 Boxer Rebellion - Gurkhas
35 Chinese Boxers
48 Japanese Kamikaze
52 Japanese Army Aviation Pilots and Ground Crew
53 Ijn Pilots Ground Crew
67 Turkish Artillery
69 Turkish Siege Artillery Gun
70 turkish Siege Artillery Mortar
83 English Sailors
87 War monk Artillery
88 Eyalet Infantry
91 Samurai Artillery

Strelets-M - 1 € je Gussast

12 Military Order Warriors
16 Roman Auxillaries 2
21 Dacian Heavy Infantry (Retooling)
25 Medieval Crossbowman
33 Roman Auxiliaries before Battle
38 Roman Infantry in Winter Dress
48 Medieval Russian Militia
59 Austro-Hungarian Infantry in Gasmasks
60 German Infantry in Gasmasks
66 Turkish Infantry in Winter Uniform
69 French Light Infantry in Egypt
79 Roman Republican Legion in Battle
87 Caesar Army on the march
94 British Line Infanbtry in Overcoat 1
95 Polish People's Army
97 British Line Infantry in Overcoats 2
98 American Militia in Winter Dress 1812
104 Japanese Imperia Airborne Troops
107 Tecumseh

2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...