Mittwoch, 27. November 2019

Strelets News for 12/2019 - 1/72

A lot of new sets are on the march...

  • 154 - Brunswick Light Guards Battalion
  • 199 - Highlanders Standing Shoulder Arms
  • 200 - Highlanders Standing Order Arms
  • 201 - British Infantry Standing Order Arms
  • 202 - British Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
  • 206 - Austrian Grenadiers in Winter Dress Standing Shoulder Arms
  • 209 - Austrian Grenadiers in Winter Dress on the March 1
  • 212 - Russian Infantry on the March 1
  • 217 - Russian Infantry Standing Order Arms
  • 219 - Russian Infantry in Overcoats Standing Order Arms
  • 220 - French Line Infantry on the March 2
  • 224 - Boer Field Artillery
  • 231 - British Infantry in Attack 1701-1714
  • 249 - Confederates Firing
  • M138 - Boer Infantry
  • M140 - Anglo-Saxon Fyrd
  • M141 - Housecarls of King Harold

Sonntag, 24. November 2019

News von Linear-A - new line in 1/72

Linear-A (Link) wird nun auch kleine Sets auf den Markt bringen, die wengier Figuren enthalten.

Die ersten drei sind bereits angekündigt und bereits bei 002s die Master zu sehen:

001s - Vigiles Urbani "Cohortes Vigilum"
002s - Sacrifice Before the Battle
003s - Legionary Recruits Training

Auch bei den "normalen" Sets tut sich so einiges:

013 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 2 "CAVALRY"
016 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 3 "ELEPHANTS"
017 Roman Legion Set 1 "Varus give me back my legions I A.D."
018 Roman Legion Set 2 "DISASTER" "Varus give me back my legions I A.D."
019 Battle of Cunaxa 401 B.C. ( Xenophon's War) Set 2
020 The Minoans
022 The Etruscans Cavalry Set 2 "Villanovan Culture Warriors" 9th-5nd Centuries B.C.
023 Hannibal makes a triumphal entry to Italy Set 4
024 Napoleonic War`s Surprise Set is Prussian Landwehr Cavalry
026 Samnite Wars (new series)  
028 The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus Set 1 (new series)
029 Roman Anti-Elephant Wagon Set 1
030 Tarentine Horseman of Magna Graecia
031 Syracuse, Sicily War Set 1 (new series)
032 Trajan`s Legion versus Dacians Set 1      


Sonntag, 29. September 2019

Linear-A 021 Amazons "Daughter of Ares" - 1/72 #hobbyminiatures #tabletop #linear-a

Heute am 29.09.2019 wird dieses brandneue Set ab 21.00 Uhr im Webshop von Linear-A erhältlich sein. Die Miniaturen sehen fantastisch aus und ich bin gespannt, wie sie in Kombination mit den Amazonen von Dark Alliance aussehen werden. Passend dazu fällt mir ein, dass ich in meiner eigenen Range vor Jahren eine nackte Hoplitin in 1/72 herausgebracht habe, die man mit Flügeln ausstatten konnte. Die werde ich dazu ebenfalls bemalen und kombinieren :-)

Kurzer Hinweis noch: Dieses Mal wurden die Figuren, die man bemalt dort sieht und auf der Packung abgedruckt sind, nicht von mir bemalt. 

This evening (29.09.2019) is this brandnew set in the webshop from Linear-A at 9 p.m. available! Short information: This time I have not painted the testsprue-miniatures

Do you know my own page? Minisoldiers 1/72

Montag, 1. Juli 2019

The new Strelets-Sets arrived today!

M133 British Infantry 1899-1902
M134 French Infantry in Summer Dress
173 French Line Infantry on the March 1 (Flanking Companies)
180 Prussian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
181 Old Guard on the March
188 Pom-Pom Gun with Boer Crew
189 Pom-Pom Gun with British Crew
190 Mounted Rif Rebels
191 Rif Rebellion
192 French Foreign Legion Desert Patrol
225 French Line Infantry at Ease in Winter Dress (Flanking Companies)
226 Japanese Type 98 AA 20mm Gun
A015 Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider with French Crew
A016 Cannone da 105/28 Schneider Ansaldo with Italian Crew
A018 155 mm St.Chamond Howitzer with French Late War Crew in Winter Dress


Freitag, 31. Mai 2019

ORION Neuheiten :-) News in 1/72

Heute erhielt ich ein Paket von mit den vier neuen Sets von ORION. Schöne Qualität, Mehr dazu, wenn sie bemalt sind.

050 WWII US Tank Crew in Winter Dress

054 WWII German Antiresistance Troops

055 Turkish Cavalry Deli

056 Vietnam-War Local Communist Forse

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019

Etruscan Cavalry and Amazons from Linear-A :-) - Scale 1/72

Great news from the fantastic manufacture from Linear-A
You can see new masters from two new sets:

Etruscan Cavalry


Samstag, 19. Januar 2019

News from Linear-A 1/72

Today I received a smal package from Linear-A (shop and manufactur 1/72) with a testsprue from the new set - in a few dayse I can publish the painted results. I think available is the new set in a few month.

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2019

Miniatures News from Linear-A for 2019 :-)

Very good  outlook for this year from (1/72) :-)

#010 Germanic Warriors Set 2 "Command"
#013 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 2 "Cavalry"

#016 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 3 "Elephants"

#017 Roman Legion Set 1 "Varus, give me back my legions"

#018 Roman Legion Set 2 "Command " "Varus, give me back my legions"

#019 Battle of Cunaxa 401B.C. Set 2

#020 Trajan`s Legion are back !!!

#021 Amazons "Daughter's of Ares"
#022 The Etruscans „Cavalry“ 9th-5nd.Centuries BC Set 2

#023 Hannibal makes a triumphal entry to Italy Set 4
#024 Napoleonic Wars Surprise set

2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...