For a few years and especially since last year, the topic of street dogs
abroad (especially Romania) has grown very dear to my heart. I want to
try to give the dogs a voice to tell their stories, which unfortunately
are often accompanied by ignorance, hunger, suffering and pain.
Especially to help make a contribution (even if it is very small
compared to everything) to draw attention to it. Also to clear up the
prejudices here with us.

It's a private thing of mine, but it's evolving into a multi-faceted project. In addition to the dogs (and also cats), which will always be at the forefront, because it is primarily about them and their stories. At time I wrote articles / reports over the talks / interviews with interesting people who also care about the fate of the dogs and are very active in Cluj; I was 3 weeks ago there again and some stories broke my heart. My written articles I publish in english and german.
In Cluj I met two animal rights activists, who are both working for herselves, visit the shelter in Suceag again, met the chairperson of the Animal Relief Society in Transylvania and, if it works, go to a private veterinary clinic. I will also go out myself and look for strays.
I'll not collect donations (money) here or otherone - I only collect donations as food, blankets, medical items (area 75 km arround Wuppertal/Germany). One month ago, I rent a van and I was able to donate a well-filled delivery van to Bavaria. From there they were taken directly to the shelter in Suceag.
But my first issue is: I want to write about the strays and there souls, stories.
If someone is interested in the topic and what I publish, then you can visit my blog or facebook-page
This new part of my life is a reason, why my miniatures-website slowly grow up...
It's a private thing of mine, but it's evolving into a multi-faceted project. In addition to the dogs (and also cats), which will always be at the forefront, because it is primarily about them and their stories. At time I wrote articles / reports over the talks / interviews with interesting people who also care about the fate of the dogs and are very active in Cluj; I was 3 weeks ago there again and some stories broke my heart. My written articles I publish in english and german.
In Cluj I met two animal rights activists, who are both working for herselves, visit the shelter in Suceag again, met the chairperson of the Animal Relief Society in Transylvania and, if it works, go to a private veterinary clinic. I will also go out myself and look for strays.
I'll not collect donations (money) here or otherone - I only collect donations as food, blankets, medical items (area 75 km arround Wuppertal/Germany). One month ago, I rent a van and I was able to donate a well-filled delivery van to Bavaria. From there they were taken directly to the shelter in Suceag.
But my first issue is: I want to write about the strays and there souls, stories.
If someone is interested in the topic and what I publish, then you can visit my blog or facebook-page
This new part of my life is a reason, why my miniatures-website slowly grow up...