New Masters!

My Name is Tom from Germany and welcome on my blog for Miniatures only in the size of 1/72. I talking here about new Miniatures and my wargaming-projects and my paintings. I have also a smal marketplace/shop here on the blog. You can contact me under "Kontakt / Contact" or: / COPYRIGHT on all pictures! No Copy allowed!
Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021
Montag, 8. Februar 2021
More Masters from Linear-A / Miniatures 1/72
More new Masters you can see now on the page from Linear-A (also Webshop) - Pictures form the website
#028 The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus Infantry PHALANX Set 1
The masters got now longer Sarissas.
#033 Hellenistic Diadochi / Epigonoi - Seleucid Infantry
Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021
News from Linear-A Miniatures 1/72
On the Website vom Linear-A (also Webshop) you can see now the box-layout and miniatures from a new set. At time not available, but I think in the next time.
026 Samnite Wars Infantry Set 1
Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021
Linear-A ... a company with big surprises :-)
Last month 2 new sets are on the market
019 Battle of Cunaxa 401 B.C. - Set 2 "Greeks Hoplites on the march"
020 The Minoans 1600-1450 B.C. "Late Minoan Period"
2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten
Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...
Nachdem meine eigenen Figurenserien, die u.a. unter dem Label "CW-Miniatures" liefen, nicht mehr in Zinn produziert werden können,...