Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2018

Persian Drummers - 1/72

I've painted these drummers :-)

Strelets 2019 - 1/72

Kaum sind die letzten Neuheiten ausgeliefert worden und über die Webshops verfügbar, kommt schon die nächste Liste mit Neuerscheinungen, die als nächstes geplant sind. Man darf gespannt sein.

154 - Japanese Type 98 AA 20mm Gun
155 - French Line Infantry Standing at Ease
189 - Pom-Pom Gun with British Crew
190 - Mounted Rif Rebels
191 - Rif Rebellion
193 - Austrian Infantry in Overcoats on the March
194 - Austrian Grenadiers in Overcoats Standing at Ease
195 - Austrian Infantry in Overcoats Standing at Ease
196 - French Infantry in Summer Dress on the March
197 - French Infantry in Summer Dress Standing at Ease
198 - French Infantry in Summer Dress Standing at Attention
M134 - WWI French Infantry in Summer Dress
M135 - British Infantry at Gallipoli
M136 - Turkish Infantry at Gallipoli
M137 - WWI Turkish Assault Troops
WO02 - 305 mm Skoda Mod. 911 Mortar
WO01 - 42 cm Skoda M17 Howitzer

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2018

Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2018

Sternfalk Animals / Tiere in 1/72 bei Linear-A

Neuer Hersteller bei Linear-A aufgenommen: Sternfalk, ein Hersteller von außergewöhnlichen Tieren für den Maßstab in 1/72 / New manufacture in the webshop from Linear-A: Sternfalk for special animals in Scale 1/72

Mittwoch, 28. November 2018

Strelets New Sets 2018

On the Website from a british webshop you can see a lot of new planned sets from Strelets. Someone are very interesting. We can hope, that these sets are realased before christmas. If they are realeased, you can find them than also in the webshop from www.Linear-A.de

Auf der Homepage eines englischen Webshops kann man mittlerweile unter "angekündigten Neuheiten" eine ganze Reihe von neuen Sets von Strelets sehen. So einige davon sind sehr interessant. Wir Sammler und Bemaler können hoffen, dass diese vielleicht sogar noch vor Weihnachten erhältlich sind. Wenn sie erscheinen, so werden sie dann auch im Webshop von www.Linear-A.de zu bekommen sein.

Quelle der nachfolgenden Bilder: www.strelets-r.com

Nr. 168 - Landwehr on the march (Napoleonic)

Nr. 169 - Landwehr Standing at Ease (Napoleonic)

Nr. 174 - Prussian Infantry on the march (Napoleonic)

Nr. 176 - Japanese Type 38 75mm Field Gun WWII

Nr. 177 - British 15pr 7cwt BL Gun (Anglo-Boer War)

no pic

Nr. 182 - 30pdr Parrott Rifle with US Crew (ACW) 

Nr. 183 - Withworth Rifle with Confederate Crew (ACW)

Nr. 185 - Foot Arab Rebels (Rif War)

Nr. 186 - French Foreign Legion (Rif War)

Nr. A014 - Cresout Long Tom 155 mm with Boer Crew (Anglo Boer War)

no pic

Nr. M054 - Foot Bashi-Baz (Russo-Turkish War 1877)

Nr. M077 - Spartacus Army

Sonntag, 25. November 2018

Donnerstag, 8. November 2018

Linear-A #015 Battle of Cunaxa 401 B.C. ( Xenophon`s War) Set 1

Here are the painted results from the test-sprue. The miniatures are fantastic :-) - Hope you enjoy also! At which date the are in the shop from Linear-A are available, I don't know.

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2018

Available Linear-A-Set The Etruscans "Villanovan Culture Warriors" Set 1

This fantastic set (unpainted) is now in the Webshop from www.Linear-A.de available.

You can find my painted miniatures also on the backside from the box :-)

Donnerstag, 13. September 2018

Linear-A 014 - Villanovan Culture Warriors 9-5 B.C. - painted 1/72

Last weekend, on the event from "Inspiration Modellbau" in Mainz (Germany) you could see these really fantastic miniatures from Linar-A painted :-) (on sunday).
It was a very great pleasure to paint them. Here are the results - the unpainted set should be available in the last months of this year in the webshop from www.Linear-A.de

Letztes Wochenende konnte man sonntags bereits die bemalten Figuren dieses absolut schönen Sets auf der  Ausstellung "Inspiration Modelbau" in Mainz bestaunen. Die Qualität der Rohlinge ist fantastisch. Das Set wird voraussichtlich zum Ende dieses Jahres über den Shop von www.Linear-A.de erhältlich sein.

Freitag, 31. August 2018

News from Caesar Miniatures

The Box-Layout for two new sets from Caesar Miniatures are now published

Informations about poses and maybe more sets - at time not available

Visit also / Schaut mal vorbei www.minisoldiers.de and my YouTube-Channel

2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...