Donnerstag, 13. September 2018

Linear-A 014 - Villanovan Culture Warriors 9-5 B.C. - painted 1/72

Last weekend, on the event from "Inspiration Modellbau" in Mainz (Germany) you could see these really fantastic miniatures from Linar-A painted :-) (on sunday).
It was a very great pleasure to paint them. Here are the results - the unpainted set should be available in the last months of this year in the webshop from

Letztes Wochenende konnte man sonntags bereits die bemalten Figuren dieses absolut schönen Sets auf der  Ausstellung "Inspiration Modelbau" in Mainz bestaunen. Die Qualität der Rohlinge ist fantastisch. Das Set wird voraussichtlich zum Ende dieses Jahres über den Shop von erhältlich sein.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Excellent, highly original, a set I will be very happy to get !! A good paintjob too. Is Linear-A planning to fill all the gaps in the DBA army books ?? :)

  2. You have really brought them to life Tom. They look good in the 'raw' and super with your painting.

  3. Hi Tom,
    I love the painting and the shine on these figures. Well done. BB


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