Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

(New) Linear-A 009 - Varus give me back my legions Set 1

Gestern erhielt ich von  dem Hersteller Linear-A zwei Gußäste eines neuen Sets. Das Set wird die Freunde der Antike und speziell der Römerzeit sicherlich erfreuen. Denn es handelt sich dabei um Germanen. Bislang gab es lediglich vier Germanensets von Strelets (2x), Caesar Miniatures und HÄT.

Ich persönlich bin von den Figuren angetan und die Qualität gefällt mir. An einem Gußast sind 12 Figuren in unterschiedlichen Posen. Hier seht ihr die Rohlinge und in wenigen Tagen werden sie in einem neuen Preview-Video bemalt zu sehen sein.

Das Set wird -nach meinem Kenntnisstand- in wenigen Wochen im Webshop von Linear-A zu erwerben sein.
Yesterday I received from the Manufacture Linear-A two sprues of a new set. The set will certainly please the friends of antiquity and especially the Romans. Because these are Ancient Germans. So far, there were only four Germanic sets of Strelets (2x), Caesar Miniatures and HÄT.
Personally, I'm impressed with the miniatures and I like the quality. On a sprue are 12 figures in different poses. Here you can see the blanks and in a few days they will be shown painted in a new preview video in my video-channel.
According to my knowledge, the set will be available in a few weeks in the webshop of Linear-A.

Youtube-Channel: Link-Playlist
Preview-Homepage: Minisoldiers

3 Kommentare:

  1. They look very useful, shame I've finished my Germanic warbands, otherwise I would be buying tem

  2. As Will said, very interesting minis!! And I didn't finish my own warband, so...

  3. Sorry, mate, but you say "only" 4 Germanic sets. That is luxury! Where are all the sets covering medieval China and the rest of far east Asia? Just Mongols and a single Chinese cavalry set from Italeri


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