My Name is Tom from Germany and welcome on my blog for Miniatures only in the size of 1/72. I talking here about new Miniatures and my wargaming-projects and my paintings. I have also a smal marketplace/shop here on the blog. You can contact me under "Kontakt / Contact" or: tom.pedall@gmail.com / COPYRIGHT on all pictures! No Copy allowed!
Samstag, 26. Dezember 2020
Projects canceled and Collection dissolved ... Miniatures 1/72
Freitag, 25. Dezember 2020
Strelets Neuheiten Dezember 2020 bei Linear-A
Im Webshop von Linear-A sind die neuen Strelets-Sets eingetroffen:
- M143 Long Range Patrol at Rest
- M144 Long Range Desert Group
- M145 SAS Desert Ambush
- M146 French Foreign Legion in Camp
- M147 French Foreign Legion in Attack
- M148 Arabs in Retreat
- 161 Prussian the 7th Uhlans
- 216 Russian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
- 238 British Cavalry
- 239 French Chevau-Legers & Gendarmes Guards
- 248 Medieval City Levy
- 250 Vikings
- 271 Bavarian Infantry Standing Order Arms
- 272 Bavarian Infantry on the March
- 280 Africa Corps Mortar Squad
- 281 Japanese Type 11 Gun with Crew
- 291 M1916 37mm Gun with French Foreign Legion Crew
RedBox Musketiere ... ein Traum wird wahr in 1/72
Als Kind schaute ich schon gern die 3 Musketiere und hatte immer gehofft, dass einmal diese als Figuren herauskommen. Nun ist es soweit :-)
Die nachfolgenden Bilder stammen von der Homepage http://theredbox.com.ua/
Sonntag, 27. September 2020
(New) 1/72 Miniatures for Donations for Strays in Romania
Seit letztem Jahr bin ich sehr aktiv bei der Unterstützung von jenen Menschen und Orgas vor Ort in Rumänien, die sich den Strassenhunden und -katzen annehmen. Sie an Futterstellen füttern, Kastrationen vornehmen, medizinisch versorgen, sich den teils sehr gravierenden Notfällen annehmen und alles unternehmen, um ihr Leben zu retten. Ich war bereits zwei Mal in Cluj (Klausenburg/Transylvanien) und unterstütze Menschen/Orgas, die ich persönlich kennen gelernt habe. Viele Sachspenden habe ich bereits auf den Weg gebracht und eine weiterer Transport geht im Oktober 2020 runter - bislang dann ca. 3 volle Sprinter an Nahrung, Decken, medizinisches Material u.a..
Eine weitere Reise steht im Februar 2021 an, sofern Corona mir keinen Strich durch die Rechnung macht.
Da auch finanzielle Hilfe gerade für die Krankenstationen oder den privaten Shelter notwendig ist und ich keine Geldspendenaktionen vornehmen möchte, habe ich bereits damit angefangen, dass ich bei EBAY bemalte Figuren verkaufe und 50% des Erlöses in den Spendentopf für jene fließt, aus dem ich jene vor Ort unterstütze. Wer diese sind, könnt ihr hier gerne nachlesen, auf meiner Homepage Onkel Toms Hundehünde - Streuner Seelen.
Aber da ich nicht immer Zeit zum Malen habe, stockt die Unterstützungsaktion, so dass ich mir überlegt habe, dass ich neue Figuren zum Mastern und Produzieren in Auftrag gebe. Die werden dann auch über entsprechende Webshops direkt vertrieben und die Verkaufserlöse gehen an den Spendentopf für die Strassenhunde von Cluj und Suceag in Rumänien. Verkauf und Versand erfolgt über Dritte.
Nun geht es für mich an die Ideensammlung für Miniaturen :-)
Habt Ihr Ideen?
Since last year I have been very active in supporting those people and orgasms on site in Romania who take care of the street dogs and cats. Feed them at feeding stations, castration, provide medical care, deal with the sometimes very serious emergencies and do everything possible to save their lives. I have already been to Cluj (Klausenburg / Transylvania) twice and support people / orgas that I have met personally. I have already made many donations in kind and another transport will go down in October 2020 - so far then about 3 full transporters of food, blankets, medical material, etc.
Another trip is due in February 2021, provided that Corona doesn’t thwart my plans.
Since financial help is necessary for the hospital wards or the private shelter and I do not want to do any money donation campaigns, I have already started selling painted figures on EBAY and 50% of the proceeds go into the donation pot for those from which I those support on site. You can read who they are here, on my homepage Uncle Tom's Hundehütte - stray souls.
But since I don't always have time to paint, the support campaign faltered, so I thought about commissioning new figures to master and produce. These are then sold directly via the corresponding web shops and the sales proceeds go to the donation pot for the street dogs of Cluj and Suceag in Romania. Sales and shipping are carried out by third parties.
Now it's time for me to collect ideas for miniatures :-)
Do you have any ideas?
Linear-A's new Mini-Sets... fantastic!
The three new Mini-Sets from Linear-A are now available in the Webshop from Linear-A.
I have ordered some of them for to paint. I will sell them than on EBAY for to support my Romanian-Stray-Project (Donation) - 100% from the money only for the dogs. More informations here: https://www.streuner-seelen.de
Samstag, 9. Mai 2020
Handpainted Centaurs - Dark Alliance 72046 in Scale 1/72
If you like Fantasy, they are a "must have" :-)
Donnerstag, 23. April 2020
News von Linear-A Ancient & Napoleonic in 1/72
"LINEAR-A 023 HANNIBAL CROSSES THE ALPS "Hannibal makes a triumphal entry to Italy" Set 4"

And a lot of new stuff in work:
Pictures all from the website of www.linear-A.de
013 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 2 "CAVALRY"

016 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 3 "ELEPHANTS"

017 Roman Legion Set 1 "Varus give me back my legions I A.D."

018 Roman Legion Set 2 "DISASTER" "Varus give me back my legions I A.D."
019 Battle of Cunaxa 401 B.C. ( Xenophon`s War) Set 2 "Greek Hoplites on the March"
020 The Minoans 1600-1450 B.C. "Late Minoan period"

024 Napoleonic War`s Surprise Set is Prussian Landwehr Cavalry
025 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 5 "Salassi (celtic tribe) vs. Carthaginian"
026 Samnite Wars (new series)
027 Napoleonic War`s Surprise Set
028 The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus Set 1 (new series)
029 Roman Anti-Elephant Wagon Set 1
030 Tarentine Horseman of Magna Graecia
031 Syracuse, Sicily War Set 1 (new series)
032 Trajan`s Legion versus Dacians Set 1
034 Ptolemies Infantry Set 1 (Hellenistic Diadoches) (new series)
035 Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
036 Battle of Cunaxa 401 B.C. ( Xenophon`s War) Set 3 "Persian Cavalry"
037 Neanderthal vs. Denisova Human vs. Homo sapiens Set 1
038 Rome's early period
039 Eastern Roman Empire 6th century AD " Roman Infantry" Set 1
001s Vigiles Urbani "Cohortes Vigilum" SET 1

002s Sacrifice before the battle

003s Legionary Recruits Training

004s Waterloo after the Battle Set 1 FRENCH Disaster

005s Waterloo after the Battle SET 2 BRITISH Disaster

006s The Victory of Waterloo
007s Roman Artillery Set 1 BALLISTA
008s Roman Artillery Set 2 ONAGER
009s Roman Artillery Set 3 SCORPIO
010s Hannibal vs. Scipio "ZAMA"
011s Imperator Justinian I. Imperatrix Theodora I."eastern roman empire 6th cent. AD" Set 1
012s Publius Quinctilius Varus "DISASTER" "Varus give me back my legions I A.D."
Montag, 13. April 2020
3 neue Sets zum Vietnam-Krieg von Orion im Anmarsch
ORI72051 Vietnam War ARVN Troops (early wart
ORI72052 Vietnam War ARVN Troops (late war, 1969-1975)
ORI82053 Ruff-Puffs (South Vietnamese Regional Force and Popular Force)
Wann sie genau verfügbar sind, bleibt abzuwarten.
Schaut auch mal bei www.minisoldiers.de vorbei, meiner eigenen Preview-Seite, wo ich nach und nach die Figuren bemalt zeige :-)
Freitag, 10. April 2020
Arbeitsplatz / Workingplace & Spendenaktionen / Donation-Actions
Sonntag, 8. März 2020
"Dog Rescue" Another part of my life
It's a private thing of mine, but it's evolving into a multi-faceted project. In addition to the dogs (and also cats), which will always be at the forefront, because it is primarily about them and their stories. At time I wrote articles / reports over the talks / interviews with interesting people who also care about the fate of the dogs and are very active in Cluj; I was 3 weeks ago there again and some stories broke my heart. My written articles I publish in english and german.
In Cluj I met two animal rights activists, who are both working for herselves, visit the shelter in Suceag again, met the chairperson of the Animal Relief Society in Transylvania and, if it works, go to a private veterinary clinic. I will also go out myself and look for strays.
I'll not collect donations (money) here or otherone - I only collect donations as food, blankets, medical items (area 75 km arround Wuppertal/Germany). One month ago, I rent a van and I was able to donate a well-filled delivery van to Bavaria. From there they were taken directly to the shelter in Suceag.
But my first issue is: I want to write about the strays and there souls, stories.
If someone is interested in the topic and what I publish, then you can visit my blog or facebook-page
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StreunerSeelen/
Blog: https://streuner-seelen.blogspot.com/
This new part of my life is a reason, why my miniatures-website http://www.minisoldiers.de slowly grow up...
Donnerstag, 5. März 2020
Linear-A 016 Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 3 "ELEPHANTS" - Masters!!! #tabletop #plasticsoldierreview
Pictures from Linear-A Website
Sonntag, 19. Januar 2020
Linear-A " The Etruscans Cavalry Set 2 Villanovan Culture Warriors 1/72 #miniatures #tabletop
2 Female Hoplites / 2 weibliche Hopliten
Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...

Someone knows from my postings and videos/articles, that I have also a great heart for strays (cats/dogs) in Romania and Ukraine. And theref...
Nachdem meine eigenen Figurenserien, die u.a. unter dem Label "CW-Miniatures" liefen, nicht mehr in Zinn produziert werden können,...